Iowa Geological Survey geologists can answer most of your questions about aspects of Iowa’s geologic history. Here are some of the most common areas and who to contact, or you can fill out and submit the form at the bottom of this page.

Common Questions

Mineral, Rock, and Fossil Identification

An open Keokuk geode

We regularly identify rocks, minerals, and fossils that are brought into our office. If you can’t stop by, send us a photo or two of the specimen by email. Please make sure your photos capture all aspects of the specimen, are in focus, and include a common object for scale (i.e., ruler, quarter, pen, etc.). Include a brief description of where you found the specimen. You can also mail your specimens to the IGS for identification; please let us know if you want it returned.

For more information, contact Jack Malone or Ryan Clark.


Private and Municipal Wells

Water quality map

We provide information on the availability of groundwater supplies statewide. Given a specific geographic location, we can prepare a water-well forecast that summarizes the available groundwater aquifers, the anticipated yields from existing aquifers, and the quality of the water supply.

For more information, contact Ryan Clark or Rick Langel.



Other Geology and Natural Resources

People standing around a sinkhole

We are frequently asked for information to help resolve environmental issues, such as where groundwater supplies are vulnerable to contamination, where sinkholes and other karst conditions exist, and where mineral resource reserves exist.

For more information, contact State Geologist Keith Schilling.




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