Explore the categories below to access IGS research and information.

Interactive Maps

The IGS has developed a series of interactive maps that provides a fun and informative way to access the survey’s vast catalog of publications and information.




The IGS Geode

The IGS Geode is our annual publication highlighting current IGS research projects, publications, and finances. You can check out the latest issue as well as back issues.


IGS Geode (2022-23)

IGS Geode (2021-22)

IGS Geode (2020-21)

IGS Geode (2019-20)

IGS Geode (2018-19)

IGS Geode (2017–18)

IGS Geode (2016–17)

Publication Database

The Iowa Geological Survey maintains a catalog of publications providing information on the geological resources of Iowa, including groundwater, bedrock, glacial materials, and mineral resources. Out-of-print/loan publications are no longer available for purchase. Loan copies for most of the publications may be obtained on request from the IGS for a 30-day period. Out-of-print publications may also be accessed at some university and public libraries.





GeoSam is Iowa’s geologic site and sample tracking program. GeoSam provides location, identification, and other key information about every available well, rock exposure, or site of geologic information in Iowa. For more information, an FAQ document is available.

Go to GeoSam



IGS GeoCore tracks cores in the IGS’ Rock Library. GeoCore stores depth intervals, storage location, and high-resolution photographs for each core stored.

Go to GeoCore


Pump Test

IGS Pump Test gives users electronic access to IGS’ collection of aquifer pumping test data and results.  This information can be used to evaluate long term well yields, and to construct and calibrate groundwater flow models.

Go to Pump Test



GeoLab showcases laboratory results from over 6,000 samples across Iowa.  Users can filter results using text-based search options or an interactive map.

Results found in GeoLab include: grain size, radiocarbon dates, clay mineralogy, pXRF, soil carbon and nitrogen, matrix carbonate, bulk density, and clast lithology data.

Go to GeoLab


Relevant External Links

Iowa GeoData 

Iowa GeoData includes many IGS ArcGIS shapefiles.

Go to Iowa GeoData


National Ground-Water Monitoring Network

The National Ground-Water Monitoring Network includes groundwater quality and water-level data from selected sites in Iowa.

Go to Network