The IGS Sediment Laboratory is a fully functioning Quaternary materials lab managed by IGS Soil Scientist Matthew Streeter. The lab opened in 2014 and is housed at the IGS Oakdale facility.
The lab provides a broad spectrum of analyses, including soil particle size analysis (pipette and x-ray absorption); sand fractionation; total carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and hydrogen (chromatography); and soil organic matter (loss on ignition).
The lab also maintains a large inventory of field monitoring equipment, including monitoring well instrumentation, water-quality meters, and the IGS drill rig.
While the sediment lab primarily runs samples and manages equipment deployments for IGS projects, it also provides valuable data for several IGS collaborators. Over the past five years, the IGS sediment lab has provided multiple opportunities for students to gain real-world experience in soil collection, analysis, and interpretation techniques.
The IGS team can put the Sediment Lab to work for clients in research, business, agriculture, and industry. IGS soil scientist Matthew Streeter works closely with hydrologists to monitor soil and water relationships specifically related to soil sustainability and water quality. He is an expert in several aspects of soil health including soil erosion, soil carbon and nitrogen relationships, as well as nutrient processing capacities of soils in different environments across Iowa.

Contact Us

Matthew Streeter
Soil Scientist
Soil Processes
PhD, Iowa State University
340C Trowbridge Hall