Matthew Streeter
What are your responsibilities with the IGS?
I am a soil scientist with the IGS. I also serve as the IGS’s certified well driller.
What are your research/project interests?
I work closely with hydrologists to monitor soil and water relationships specifically related to soil sustainability and water quality. I am interested in several aspects of soil health including soil erosion, soil carbon and nitrogen relationships, as well as nutrient processing capacities of soils in different environments across Iowa.
How can your research in your areas of interest improve the quality of life in Iowa?
Soil is our most valuable resource in Iowa. Agricultural and environmental sustainability operates in three realms: economics, stewardship, and quality of life. The research work that I do aims to improve the resiliency of each of these three factors while improving the longevity and productivity of soil.
What is your academic and professional background?
I have a BS, MS, and PhD in soil science from Iowa State University and have worked at the IGS for 10 years.
At about what age and why did you decide to become a geologist/scientist?
I grew up on a farm in southern Iowa, and still participate in farm activities. My choice to be a scientist stems from my desire to improve the sustainability of my family’s farm.
What field activity is your favorite?
Any day outside in the field is a good day.
What do you like to do in your free time?
Aside from my responsibilities with IGS, I am a traveling Christian evangelist. I have a wife and 3 young children which I adore. I spend much of my time away from work with them.