Valerie Diaz-Gibertini
What are your responsibilities with the IGS?
I run a soils lab, analyze data, and conduct field work for multiple IGS projects under Matthew Streeter. I typically work with soil analysis and water quality analysis.
What are your research/project interests?
I conduct particle size analysis and elemental analysis for soil samples in the lab. I also run the KSAT, which gives us hydro-conductivity readings, and the Nitratax which gives us Nitrate readings within a water sample.
What is your academic and professional background?
I graduated from the University of Iowa in May 2021 with a BA in Environmental Sciences, and a minor in Geosciences.
At about what age and why did you decide to become a geologist/scientist?
I’ve always known I wanted to be involved in science. I started my undergrad as a chemistry major and switched to Environmental sciences after learning about the impacts of Environmental Injustice and the long-term effects of Superfund sites.
What field activity is your favorite?
Anytime I am out with a team member is always an excellent time. Iowa is a very beautiful state, and I enjoy going to remote places and taking in the scenery.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I love to read and go birding on the weekends around Iowa City! Some of my favorite spots are Lake Macbride, Hickory Hill Park, and Terry Trueblood Recreation Area.