
Photo of Keith Schilling

As state geologist and director of the Iowa Geological Survey, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our website. It’s a great repository for all things related to Iowa geology and water resources, and I’m confident you’ll find a lot of interesting information to browse through. You’ll see that the site is organized around four main pillars of information exchange: research, services, popular interest, and data and resources.

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Recent News

Photo of a fall trail with inset map

Join us for an Iowa Geological Survey Field Trip!

Friday, June 7, 2024
The Iowa Geological Survey will be leading a field trip in Muscatine County on Saturday, September 28.
The Ocheyedan river running dry

Iowa needs a plan for using its precious groundwater

Thursday, February 22, 2024
A conversion of several factors, some natural and some self-imposed, is leading to recognition that the State of Iowa needs a plan to safeguard groundwater reserves in the future.
front image of IGS Geode publication

The IGS Geode - a look at the activities of the Iowa Geological Survey from July 2022 through June 2023

Friday, January 12, 2024
Please enjoy an online copy of our magazine, The IGS Geode, showcasing some of the Iowa Geological Survey’s activities during the past year.

Popular Interest


If put end to end, core samples in the IGS Rock Library would stretch 30 miles


Bags of rock chips in the IGS Rock Library


IGS geologists determined that a meteor struck northeast Iowa 470M years ago